Keeping the best employees sometimes isn't always about salary. Add a benefit that will help you keep your return.
Our solutions are designed to save money on health claims. The truth is in the research. Avg is $4-5 for every dollar spent.
Comorbidities, fatigue, mental health, and other personal health factors can not only impact the effective management of claims, but in some cases the likelihood of injury.
1 in 3 Americans have high blood pressure
Acetaminophen is typical treatment which can lead to liver and kidney dysfunction, a risk already present in patients with diabetes
Approximately 72% of people have daily workplace stress and anxiety that interferes with their lives moderately
To get buy in from the top. This is on a corporate level and on a personal level. Understanding the importance of wellness is key to success.
We build each one based on target group and size.
The staple of HealthMed, it's like our turkey on Thanksgiving day. Our goal is to create to best experience for your employees, while giving them the best care.
Our position in the market allows us to leverage our pricing. You get the best pricing with the best care.
“I could tell a difference in my strength, energy levels and in how my clothes fit. I realized the importance of losing weight in a healthy way. ”
Huntsville, AL
"This has helped a number of employees start weight training and they have had more success with weight loss because they are focusing on gaining muscle instead of just calorie restriction."
Orlando, FL
“When I came in for health check, I hadn't realized that I lost a good bit of fat percent and gained muscle mass! ”
Greenville, SC
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